In the monitoring panel, to go to monitoring mode by groups of objects, select "By groups of objects" from the drop-down list.
In monitoring mode "By groups of objects" to the right of the monitoring mode selection, there is a button for selecting objects for the worklist, when clicked, a dialog box for selecting the groups of objects for the worklist will appear.
In the table for selecting groups of objects, you can filter records by different fields. In the first column you need to put the flags on those objects that you want to see in the worklist and click the "Save" button, after that the dialog form will close and the worklist will be updated.
By default, the table is sorted by object name in alphabetical order in ascending order. It is possible to sort any column in alphabetical order in ascending or descending order, for this, in the column header, click on the icon , or .
It is also possible to filter on any column by entering the text in the column header and filtering the table.
You can adjust the visibility of the columns of the worklist table in accordance with your requirements and needs - in the monitoring panel settings, to configure the monitoring panel you need to click on the button .
In the worklist table, the objects are displayed by groups, next to the group name, the number of objects included in the bracket. To view the objects in the group, you need to expand the group by clicking on the icon .
To collapse a group, click on the icon . To the left of the group name of the object, an icon of the group of the object is displayed. When you hover the mouse over the name of a group of objects, a tooltip will appear, displaying a list of all the objects included in it. To open the properties group of the object group, click the icon to the right of the object group name. To delete a group of objects from the worklist, click the icon to the right of the object group name.
The worklist table consists of the following columns:
The first column shows whether the satellites are captured:
The second column shows elapsed time from the last message of the object:
It is also possible to filter by object name, for this purpose enter the text in the header of the column "Name" and the table is filtered by the name of the object.